01/6Cut down on these food items from your daily diet during summers

Summer has hit us hard like always and this is the time when we need to take care of our health the most. When it's winters, our body usually demands ingredients that helps the glands and organs to stay warm. But we can't afford to follow the same diet during summers as it can really damage our body with such foods. As our body takes its time to get acclimatized to the sudden rise in temperature, we need to replace hot drinks to cold and soothing drinks like natural fruit smoothies and sharbets. So if you need to change your diet during these hot months and don't know how to start with it, you can go through this list and start cutting down on these foods.

by Dhwani Vora

02/6Onion rings

Don't be under the impression that onion rings are a better choice than French fries. Onion rings are actually breaded in a coating of white flour and all the batter sops up tons of oil in deep fryer. This results in this side dish containing 481 calories and 30 grams of fat which is eve more than a large chocolate-frosted donut. Do you need this for summers? NO.


Spices are food items that are used to add flavour and color as well as aroma to your dishes. Many spices are very beneficial for health and are even considered a superfood. But consuming spices more than moderately can mess up with your digestion and end up giving you a burning sensation and restlessness.

04/6Spicy curries or gravies

Indian curries and gravies are very well known for its spicy and oily taste. These also contain more calories which can make you feel sluggish and lazy. The tadka that is added to the gravies and curries is also made with oil. The overall taste of these food dishes can make you feel hot and sweaty for hours. This can lead to indigestion. Hence you need to avoid such gravies as much as you can.

05/6Non-vegetarian food

There are only a few non-vegetarian food items that don't need large quantities of oil and spices to cook. All kinds of non-veg foods are hard to digest. While you make it heavier with oils and spices, the pressure increases on your digestive system to digest the food. Hence, summer is not a great time to consume non-veg food as it can make you sweat more and cause digestive problems like diarrhea.

06/6Fried junk food

Junk food and healthy body can't go hand in hand, especially during summers. Everyone is supposed to avoid junk at all times. But during summers, you need to be extra careful with what you eat. Fried food item can tend to make your skin feel oilier and can also cause pimples.