You should avoid eating these foods if you're suffering from indigestion

Snehha Suresh | Apr 13, 2018, 11:07 IST
If you perpetually seem to be suffering from a bad case of indigestion even though you have been careful about what you are eating then there is slight possibility that you could be suffering from a medical condition that needs to be looked at by a doctor, but the more likely reason could be that you are filling up your plate with things that are known to mess around with your digestive system. Hence you should avoid eating these things while you are suffering from indigestion.

As dairy products are difficult to digest it gives you gas, indigestion, and loosies. Dairy is difficult to digest because of two ingredients in it: casein, a protein that causes inflammation and allergic reactions in some people; and lactose, a carbohydrate that is a quite the villain when it comes to tummy issues.

It is found in grains like barley and wheat, gluten is known to take a long time to digest and can seriously mess up your gastro-intestinal system. It can cause inflammation, bloating and serious health issues for people who are gluten allergic or gluten intolerant. Get yourself tested to see if gluten is the issue.

If in case you are suffering from rumbles in the tummy, that last thing you should do is munch on a sugary treat to comfort yourself. Sugars come in different forms and can cause a variety of symptoms in those who lack the enzymes needed to process some sugars. So if your system can’t process sugars like lactose, sucrose, fructose and galactose, you will suffer from gas, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and nausea.

Artificial sweeteners
It’s not just natural sugars but artificial sweeteners like sorbitol that is added to many processed foods, that causes digestive disruptions like gas, bloating, and diarrhoea.

Oily food
Fatty food moves through your bowels too quickly and causes diarrhoea or hangs around in your stomach making your feel bloated. Low levels of fibre in many oily foods make it harder to digest.

Beans and legumes cause gas because they contain a sugar called oligosaccharide that cannot be digested by humans properly. These oligosaccharides are only broken down by bacteria in the large intestine and this process creates gas.

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