01/9All the kind of foods that are family-friendly

As a family, we all have food preferences that sometimes match and sometimes don't. It becomes a task to shop for each member of the family according to what they like and end up getting something that the other person doesn't. But there are a few food items that all of us majorly like and you can very much stock them up while you go for your next grocery shopping spree. These foods are nothing junk but rather healthy and nutritious to say the least. Go through this food list and figure out which ones do your family agree to having in the kitchen so that it's less of a hassle to meet everyone's needs.

by Dhwani Vora

02/9Whole grain breads

Rather than buying white breads, start picking whole grain breads as they're rich in nutrients like vitamin B, fiber and many other minerals. This makes it a good pick to provide sustenance.


Beans are the easiest food to cook, they're nutritious and also delicious. They're a good source of iron, magnesium, potassium and also protein. Every family can easily have this food item at home for days when you don't want to cook a lot of things, you can simply make some beans dish.


This little fruit is labeled as a superfood for a goof reason. They're loaded with antioxidants, potassium and vitamin C. Not just that, but they're 80% water and filled with fiber which makes it easy for you to potty train your kid.


Soy milk, oat milk and almond milk might sure be tasty, but you'll form stronger bones with the help of whole milk which provides you with vitamin D, calcium and protein. Works well for almost all family members.


One of the most nutritious food is an egg. Eggs are packed with protein, vitamin D, B12 and iron. They are the best solution for a quick breakfast, lunch or even dinner. You can prepare them in a lot of ways so that you never get bored of the same old egg recipe.


The much popular avocados are cholesterol, sugar and sodium free. They're a great source of magnesium, vitamin C and K and fiber. Children will actually love eating avocados as they're fun and bright in colour and versatility.

08/9Sweet potatoes

If you want your family to maintain a healthy diet, bring in some sweet potatoes as they're packed with good nutrients. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber and beta-carotene which helps in boosting the immunity. They're rather inexpensive and easy to prepare. You can bake, roast, mash or even grill them.


If you have children in your house, make sure you stock up on some yogurt as it makes for the perfect breakfast filled with calcium and protein. You can also have it as a snack or even dessert. But be aware of avoiding any kind of added sugar or preservatives.