01/14You shouldn’t start your morning with these foods

It’s funny how the most important things in the world don’t end up getting the importance they should. Like take breakfast for example. It’s the most important meal of the day. Yet, most skip it.And the rest just grab something on the go, which usually is not the healthiest thing around. In an attempt to inculcate healthier breakfast habit, we thought we could warn you about the things NOT to eat for breakfast.

by Deesha Bondre

02/14Greasy fry up

Greasy fry-ups like fried eggs contain a lot of oil and can cause us to gain a lot of weight. You should also skip the tomato ketchup as it is highly processed and contains a lot of sugar. Instead, opt for poached or scrambled eggs. You can also fry some mushroom, that is high in fibre, in coconut oil.

by Darielle Britto

03/14Don't have a smoothie on its own

Your smoothie may be packed with fresh fruit. But it can also contain natural sugars that are released from the fruit's cells wall, which become 'free sugars'. This kind of sugar can damage your teeth and cause you to gain weight. It also doesn't contain much protein which you require to have a great start to the day. Consume foods that will make you feel full for longer and not sluggish.

by Darielle Britto

04/14Scones with cream and jam

A delicious dollop of cream and jam over a warm scone may be hard to resist, but you might want to avoid it for breakfast. With so much sweetness in one mouthful scones are more like a dessert. One scone contains sugar, butter and wheat flour. That means high calories with very little protein and fibre. A breakfast meal that consists of foods like this could spike your blood sugar and even make you hungrier.

by Darielle Britto

05/14Toast With Margarine

While this may seem like a really good breakfast option given that it contains no refined sugar or fat, it actually isn't all that healthy. The flour in bread happens to be mostly refined which means that it can spike your blood sugar levels. Margarine contains trans fat which can cause a lot of harm to your body. So, try and avoid having this as your breakfast.

by Alisha Alam

06/14Toaster Pastries

These often make for a quick snack on the go but you also need to remember that they often contain high amounts of white flour, brown sugar and are high in fructose content. They also only happen to contain just a few grams of protein. If you opt for these, you'll end up feeling super hungry at lunch and might end up eating more than you should.

by Alisha Alam

07/14Gluten-free processed foods

There really isn't any harm if you choose to eat gluten-containing foods unless you're allergic to gluten. But eating gluten-free foods can actually cause more harm to your body than good. For example a combination of flours made from rice, potatoes and tapioca works as a replacement for wheat flour, however, it contains a high glycemic index which means it can spike your blood sugar level.

by Alisha Alam

08/14Sweetened non-fat yoghurt

You need to be aware of foods disguised as being healthy. Fat-free, sugar-sweetened fruit yoghurt might claim to be a healthy breakfast meal, but they could be the worst for your health. This product is often high in sugar, more so than ice cream. It also doesn't contain natural dairy fat which is essential to provide the right nutrition and promote good health.

by Darielle Britto


Many people think a muffin in the morning is actually pretty filling and healthy. But the ingredients for the tasty treat include refined flour, vegetable oils, eggs and sugar. Apart from the egg, the rest of it is stuff you need to avoid consuming. Commercially sold muffins have become very large in recent years and that means double the trouble for your body. It could drastically cause you to gain weight, which could result in various health conditions.

by Darielle Britto

10/14Pancakes and waffles

Weekend breakfasts are a time to indulge in things we wouldn't ordinarily indulge in during the week like pancakes and waffles. However, everything we love about these goodies is the very reason why we should avoid them, even on a cheat day.Pancakes and waffles are made up of refined flour and loads of sugar. It is also topped with high-sugar syrups. All this combined together in one delicious package increases your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other serious health conditions.

by Darielle Britto