01/10Here are common natural oils to use if you have curly hair

When it comes to curly hair, hair oils are a major key. Anyone with curly hair knows just how much of a struggle it is to keep those tresses looking tame and beautiful. And that's honestly why oils are so great for curly hair. Most people with curly hair use multiple types of oils to perfect their style and to address their individual needs. If you have curly hair and are not sure of which oil you should be using, here’s helping you out...

by Jehana Antia

02/10Argan oil

Unless you live under a rock we're sure you're well aware of how beneficial argan oil can be. Featuring some miraculous nourishing and moisturising properties, this oil can help you manage your hair better and can also add some much-needed dimension to your curls.

03/10Ayurvedic oils

Yes, we're talking about oils like amla, neem, Brahmi, and bhringaraj etc, all of which have their own nourishing properties. While one can help tackle dandruff, the other can help condition your hair or stimulate hair growth. You just have to find the one that works best for you.

04/10Sweet almond oil

Sweet almond oil is suitable for all hair types. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids, vitamin E, and magnesium. All these nutrients help to strengthen your tresses and make it silky smooth. This oil will also keep your hair hydrated. If you have severely damaged hair or are suffering from hair loss, give this oil a try. Use it regularly to achieve the best results

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05/10Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil is super moisturising and light. It works especially well on curly hair. If you are someone who uses a blow dryer a lot or a flat iron, give this product a try as it is a natural heat protectant. Make sure you apply it all over your scalp as it can protect against dandruff. Regularly using this oil can also help to strengthen your strands.

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06/10Castor oil

Castor oil works well to lock in moisture. This oil can help to reduce hair thinning and make it thicker. It can also help to tackle issues with split ends and promote hair growth. A little goes a long way. Avoid using too much of it as excess amounts of it can weigh your hair down. Jamaican Black Castor Oil is a popular choice among many people.

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07/10Jojoba oil

This oil helps add not just moisture to your hair but will also lend it that added sheen and shine. Also, jojoba oil doesn't clog the pores on your scalp and only a few drops will do the trick. It effectively helps to do away with frizz too. You can kiss your frizzy locks goodbye with this oil.

by Jehana Antia

08/10Coconut oil

While jojoba oil gets rave reviews from several curly and natural hair bloggers, coconut oil comes in a very close second for its ability to reduce dandruff and help heal a dry scalp. Coconut oil is one of very few with small enough molecules that will penetrate the hair shaft.

by Jehana Antia

09/10Moringa oil

Moringa contains vitamin B, known for its ability to aid in the growth of hair. It is a lightweight oil that will disappear into your hair as soon as you apply it. With this oil, you will never get that too-shiny wet look that's a tell-tale sign of overdoing it. It will, however, lend your locks a nice shiny sheen.

by Jehana Antia

10/10Olive oil

Olive oil is extremely nourishing and hydrating. The added slippage that works so well in cooking also aids in detangling, moisturising, and adding shine to hair. Olive oil is also great for hot oil hair treatments. Who knew that this kitchen item could help with haircare and hair woes, right?
Thank us later and choose an oil that best suits your locks!

by Jehana Antia