Your smartphone might be the reason why you're constantly sleep-deprived

Alisha Alam | Mar 18, 2020, 15:51 IST
Do you have dark circles and bags under your eyes that seem to be getting more prominent with each passing day? Do you keep yawning through your meetings? Has it become super difficult for you to keep your eyes open throughout the day? If the answer to these questions is yes then you're very much sleep-deprived. No, please don't blame your hectic schedule for this. Instead, blame your smartphone.

A study found that around 92% of Indians check their phones right before they go to sleep. And this has managed to disrupt sleep patterns in ways unlike ever before. “We have seen sleep being forsaken for a long time now and people increasingly succumbing to lifestyle pressures. The third edition of the survey sees a rise in addiction to digital devices and sleep being the first casualty of this trend,” said an expert.

While being sleep-deprived is a big problem in itself, it can also lead to other health ailments like low immunity, messed up metabolism levels, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and mood swings. So, not only do you get impacted physically but your mental health takes a blow too. As per the study, people between the ages of 25-34 showed maximum signs of sleep-deprivation related problems.

Well, if this doesn't get you to start limiting your screen time, we don't know what will. Stay tuned for more updates.
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