01/5Things that you've been investing in are a complete waste of money

Since all of us are in a lockdown, many of you might be tempted to buy a new thing or two out of boredom and out of the new found productivity of trying a new skill. And once you start to go on a shopping spree, you over shop and it's too late for you to get back all that wasted money. Yeah, that's what all of it is. These kind of purchases that you actually don't need but only want are a waste of money. If you need to see how much of you've been practicing it, we've got you a list of things that are actually just a waste of money.

by Dhwani Vora

02/5Rare use makeup products

Women generally have basic makeup products that they might use on a daily basis. But if you're buying new makeup products which you just like because of the packaging and not actually use it regularly, then you're just wasting your money on these rare products.

03/5Items for a new skill

When you go to start a new skill, you don't really need a lot of things. You still indulge in over shopping for a new skill with all the enthusiasm not knowing that you might not even like the new skill that much to continue with it. Over the time, the things that you bought for it will only lie around some corner, unused.

04/5Home decor items

You often buy items for the house which you think you'll use for decorating the house. Later, it is disposed for not having enough space in the house or it simply doesn't match with you wall colour or floor. Basically, spending on home decor items without thinking about it is only a waste of money.

05/5Gym equipment

When you buy a gym equipment for your home, you tend to avoid exercising routines and delay it for the next day. After a few days, you stop using this equipment and even get rid of the habit of hitting the gym. Eventually, you only let this equipment take up space in your house and it soon starts to feel a waste of money.