All the reasons why you should avoid going on a fad diet

Alisha Alam | Oct 21, 2019, 10:59 IST
Fad diet here, fad diet there, fad diets are everywhere! It's no secret that the world of dieting has been taken over by fad diets. No matter where you turn you'll find at least one fad diet claiming it can give you amazing weight loss results in absolutely no time. And while the offer is appealing, one must also consider that if fad diets worked so well there wouldn't really be so many of them.

What's also important to remember is that when it comes to dieting or just consuming food in general, there are other factors also that should be kept in mind like consuming the right type of food and at the right intervals. Plus, these days there are so many fad diets that we can't even sit and analyse all of them.

Another thing about fad diets that is concerning is that they require you to consume only particular food groups while completely omitting other food groups. In the short run, this might prove to be beneficial to you but in the long run, it's definitely going to lead to health problems. For example, if you consume only proteins and healthy fats and completely ignore carbohydrates, you'll lose weight fast but your body will start getting affected negatively because it needs good carbohydrates to function properly.

Plus, how long can one even be on the diet? Most of these diets include food plans that will get boring and tedious to follow after a while. Before you know it, you'll be eating all kinds of junk and putting on even more weight than before. Here are a few side effects of being on a fad diet:

Lack of energy: When you cut down on calories your body has no option but to derive energy from the fats stored in your body. Once it does that it then starts deriving energy from your muscle mass. This can lead to feelings of tiredness, lethargy and even fatigue. A good diet should always leave you feeling energetic.

Malnourishment: Yes, you might even end up becoming malnourished. These diets cut off some food groups which contain nutrients that are essential for your body. Because of this your body won't get all the proper nutrients it needs to function properly.

Dehydration: Most of these diets are unrealistic. They make you lose lots of weight in very little time and this can have serious repercussions on your body. One such problem that you can face is dehydration. These diets tend to make you lose water weight and that can end up leaving you dehydrated.

Digestive problems: Your body gets used to consuming a certain diet so when you alter your diet, your body takes time to adjust to it. Plus, since fad diets make you omit certain foods, your gut health can be affected because of not getting the right nutrients. This can lead to digestive issues like diarrhoea and constipation.

So, before you choose to jump the wagon on a fad diet, make sure that you do your research and pick up a diet that best suits your body. Stay tuned for more updates.
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