All the ways in which sandalwood oil can benefit your skin

Alisha Alam | Updated: May 20, 2020, 15:47 IST
When it comes to skincare, there are a plethora of products in the market that claim to give you flawless and beautiful skin. But not all of them work and some might even result in unwanted side-effects. That's why you should give natural ingredients a try. Natural ingredients work well on your skin and they reduce the risk of side effects. One such natural ingredient that can truly get rid of skin issues is sandalwood oil. Wondering how it can help your skin? Take a look.

Can even out your skin tone: Whether it's tanning or pigmentation or patches on your skin, sandalwood oil can get rid of it all. It contains properties that can brighten your skin and even out your skin tone.

Can get rid of inflammation: You may not be aware of this but sandalwood oil is packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, you can say goodbye to any inflammation on your skin. It can also help get rid of any sort of redness on your skin.

Can get rid of zits and acne: That's right, all those anti-inflammatory properties can also help get rid of zits and acne from your face. All you need to do is apply a few drops of sandalwood oil to the affected areas and just leave it on.

Can prevent premature ageing of your skin: As we mentioned earlier, sandalwood oil has quite a few properties that can help give your skin the glow it needs. It contains certain enzymes that can help prevent premature ageing of your skin and can also reduce the stress your skin goes through.

Can give you the beauty sleep you deserve: The fragrance from sandalwood oil can help put you to sleep a lot faster and easier. And we all know that beauty sleep is necessary for that beautiful glow. So, rub some of this oil on your skin during your nighttime routine and it'll work wonders.

Well, now that you know just how beneficial sandalwood oil is for you, what are you waiting for? Try it out right away and you'll see it work its magic on your skin. Stay tuned for more updates.
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