All you need to know about juice fasting for weight loss

Miss Kyra | Jan 2, 2019, 14:21 IST
Juice fasting has become an increasingly popular diet trend that has benefits and risks you need to be aware of before giving it a try.

A person on this diet essentially gives up solid foods and only consumes fruit and vegetable juices. It is supposed to help manage your weight and help the digestive system more easily absorb nutrients in the juices.

Here's all you need to know about juice fasting.


The juice fasting diet helps cleanse the body by removing toxins, boost your immune system and improves digestion. Fresh vegetables and fruits provide our body with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. It also helps to lose weight as the diet provides necessary nutrients that keep the body nourished and hydrated.


Choose organic vegetables and fruits as they contain lower levels of chemicals and pesticides. Add more vegetables than fruits in your diet so you can get the nutrients you require.


Initially, it is highly likely you will experience fatigue and exhaustion as your body is getting used to functioning without solid foods. It can also result in diarrhoea, low blood pressure, and severe dizziness.


Many consider this diet unsafe as it can cause undernutrition. Because these juices can contain high amounts of natural sugar, you are more likely to gain weight than lose it. The sugar can also disrupt the blood sugar levels in the body.

Pregnant women, children and the elderly should avoid this type of diet. You should also consult with your doctor before making changes to your diet.

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