Can counting macros aid in weight loss?

Alisha Alam | Dec 15, 2018, 11:19 IST
Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows very well that it only works for a while after which you either get fed up of it or you feel deprived, hungry, upset and so on. While most diets work on the concept of counting the calories that one consumes, what if you could instead count the macros? Macros or macronutrients are the nutrients that your body needs in large amounts. Our body relies on two types of nutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients.

Macronutrients include food groups like carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Now, the benefit of counting macros instead of going on a diet includes the fact that one doesn't need to exclude entire food groups from their diet. It also allows you certain flexibilities that most diets don't. As of now, counting macros has become a bigger trend than going on a fad diet and is something that is being embraced by celebs, bodybuilders and many more.

The first thing to remember when opting to count your macros is to figure out what your goal is and to work towards that. For example, if you want to slim down you need to cut off about 250-500 calories. Apart from this, you'll also need to know which foods are better than the others and you'll need to eat more of those and less of the others. One more thing to keep in mind is to limit sugar, alcohol and white, refined grains as this really will make a huge difference in helping you achieve your goals. So, try this out and see how well it works for you.

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