Convincing reasons to take a nap

Darielle Britto | Oct 1, 2019, 22:00 IST
From reducing high blood pressure levels to improving focus, multiple studies have revealed why taking naps can be extremely beneficial.

Even if you get your good eight hours a night, taking a nap during the day can be extremely energizing. "We tell patients that napping is appropriate for people who are already efficient sleepers," W. Chris Winter, MD, a sleep specialist at Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine, told a news portal.

However, there are times when you might be thrown off schedule. Maybe you had an overnight plane ride or had a late night. Resting for about 25 minutes is ideal. However, anything longer may make you feel drowsy. Here are a few reasons you should start making time for naps.

* May protect your heat

Want to do your heart some good? Take a nap. A study, published in the journal Heart, that included close to 3,600 people found those who took naps at least a couple of times a week had a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke. This short nap can help reduce stress and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

* May help give your immune function a boost

Insufficient sleep can sometimes make you feel sick and drained. However, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found naps can help tackle this issue. 11 healthy male participants were part of the study. One night the group got two hours less sleep. The next day the participants either took a 30-minute nap or carried on with their day without one. The results showed the nap helped restore those levels of stress and immune function that were disrupted due to lack of sleep the previous night.

* May keep your mind sharp

If you have just taken in a lot of information or something is weighing on your mind, nap on it. A 2019 study, published in the Journal of Sleep Research, found that resting for a while helped the brain better absorb that information. Participants, who napped were also better at problem-solving and gained better insight.

* May improve memory

A 2019 study published in the journal Sleep was conducted on young adults who were learning educational information. Researchers examined how three different situations played out when examining these participants. Some either kept studying, others took a nap or just a short break. The results of the study showed napping helped boost memory and made the mind more alert for the rest of the day. It even helped boost productivity.

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