Detox your body the healthy way

Darielle Britto | Updated: May 30, 2019, 13:59 IST
Want to feel healthier? Detox your body the healthy way. Crazy detox diets may be in trend, but they may not provide your body with what it needs. You don't need to get on a juice cleanse to feel good.

The way to do that is to first load up on fresh fruits and vegetables that are colourful and packed with nutrients. You should also include legumes, seeds, nuts, bean and whole grains on a regular basis. Once you have your diet in order, follow the next few steps to get the best results and on your way to a healthier you.

1. Avoid sugar: All that the sweet stuff is going to do is cause your skin to go bad and make you pack on the pounds. That's the last thing you want when you're on a detox. If you are serious about going on a detox, stay clear of all those delicious treats like cookies and doughnuts. If you are finding it hard to curb your sweet cravings, a bite of dark chocolate could help solve that issue.

2. Drink water in the morning: Even though you may want to reach for a hot cup of coffee in the morning, a glass of water first may do wonders. You could also add a bit of lemon to your water. This can help flush out all the toxins in your body, as well as help the body to function well throughout the day.

3. Stay active: Everyone knows nutrition and physical activity go hand in hand if you are trying to get healthy. Exercise encourages blood circulation. It also works to improve digestion, lubricate joints and make the body stronger. Do a quick yoga session or take the stairs instead of the elevator.You could even do squats when you're on the phone.

4. Consume tea: Tea contains antioxidants that help protect against free radicals and keep the body hydrated. It can also help keep you feeling full for longer so you don't reach for an unhealthy snack. Tea also contains caffeine that is gentler on your system.

5. Tackle environmental pollutants: The air you breathe may cause allergies due to all the pollution. Make sure to flush out your nasal passages as often as you can so you can breathe a whole lot better. It will also help you sleep better, which is important to maintain a healthy body.
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