Diabetics, here's how you can reduce joint pain!

Alisha Alam | Updated: Jan 9, 2020, 12:02 IST
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent health conditions people all around the world suffer from. While it already makes life a whole lot more difficult by adding a ton of dietary restrictions, what's worse is that it is often also accompanied by joint pain. This can make simple things like moving your limbs a lot more painful.

“Without properly functioning joints, our bodies would be unable to bend, flex, or even move,” says Sheri Colberg, PhD. “A joint is wherever two bones come together,” Colberg writes. “Aging alone can lead to some loss of [the] cartilage layer in knee, hip, and other joints,” says Colberg “but having diabetes potentially speeds up damage to joint surfaces.”

Because of reduced flexibility, diabetics also reduce their physical activity which can eventually lead to stiffness. So, if you're wondering what you can do to reduce the pain in your joints, here are some tips that will come in handy.

Opt for aerobic exercises: Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging or swimming can help work wonders for your joints and can improve hip and knee function. Most people also prefer water exercises since water carries half of their weight thus making it easier for them to exercise.

Stretch as much as you can: Ask a physical trainer to teach you what kind of stretches you can do and you'll have a much more flexible body once you start on these exercises. It'll also help keep your muscles and tendons aligned.

Use heat and cold therapy: Trust us, this one works rather well on joints. After getting some physical activity for about 10-15 minutes, apply ice to your joints to help reduce inflammation and cool down your joints. After resting for a bit, applying a hot pack to your joints can help get you started again.

Vary your activities: Don't try to do a lot all at once. So, say you're carrying some groceries and you've got to walk for about 20 minutes. Take a break after 10 minutes to let your joints rest for a bit. This way you won't over-exert your joints and will prevent any pain from setting in.

We hope these tips will come to your aid. Stay tuned for more updates.
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