Did you know crash diets can be dangerous for you?

Alisha Alam | Jul 24, 2018, 16:48 IST
It isn't just bad for your health to gain weight too fast, losing weight really quickly can prove to be disastrous as well. While everyone may want fast results, the only way you get the right results is through having a balanced meal and working out regularly. Crash diets can lead to multiple health problems for you. Sleep trouble and hormonal imbalance amongst others are conditions that you will be more susceptible to if you try to follow crash diets.

You could end up severely malnourished. If you give up certain kinds of food you may miss out on getting enough iron, folate or even vitamin D in your diet. It could also lead to dehydration. If you think that drinking less water means you put on less weight, you're wrong. You need to stay hydrated to stay healthy. Crash diets can also have a direct effect on your mental and physical health which could make you feel tired all the time.

Apart from this, you may even begin facing digestion problems like nausea, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain. It also slows down metabolism making it easier for you to gain weight even when you eat less. So, make sure that you go on a proper weight loss journey rather than looking for a quick way out.

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