Doing away with some myths about immune-boosting nutrition

Dhwani Vora | Mar 3, 2020, 11:20 IST
We are usually asked to eat immune-boosting foods when the cold and flue season hits as these goods will prevent illness. At the same time, a sneeze or sniffle can make people start giving you advises on what to eat and what to avoid. Although, there are high chances that we avoid these advises and little that we actually would end up taking them. We're here to debunk a few myths about immune-boosting nutrition so that the next time you catch a seasonal cold or fever, you'd know what to do and what not to do.

- Sugar will suppress your immune system: The immune system itself is really complex and this is actually a very common belief that sugar will halt the immune response. Although, you must know that even if sugar doesn't suppress your immune system, it doesn't even help it. Too much of processed sugar will surely have a negative effect on your overall health and so sticking to the recommended guideline for sugar intake is better.

- Vitamin C prevents cold: This one is the most classic recommendation made by many that vitamin C supplementation is an effective method for doing away with the cold. However, you should know that vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient which only means that any amount you consume over your body's basic requirements will only get excreted in your urine.

- Feed during a cold and starve during a fever: This one is also a really old myth that people tend to believe in. Are you supposed to feed during a cold, yes. But, are you supposed to starve during a fever, not so much. Regardless of what illness you have, it's always better to have a good nutrition which will take care of your recovery. In fact, during a fever, your body's metabolism actually speeds up which means your body will want an increased calorie need by 7% for every 1 degree rise above normal temperature. If you're hungry during a fever, don't starve yourself, eat something even if it's a biscuit or two.
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