Easy Calorie Burning Exercises for High Blood Pressure Patients

Deesha Bondre | Apr 16, 2019, 11:09 IST
High blood pressure or hypertension happens when the patient experiences high blood pressure in arteries. Obesity, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, drinking and smoking excessively are one of the few things that cause it. However, it only takes switching to a healthy diet, including weight management, physical activity and restriction of alcohol consumption to treat hypertension. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle helps one reduce blood pressure. Ahead are some quick and easy exercises that you can include in your exercise routine. They don’t take too long, but work just on the right muscles.
Mountain climbers
This is an all-inclusive workout in itself – and you don’t even need any equipment for it. Begin by getting down on your hands and knees on the floor, in a push-up position. Follow it by being the knees and bringing them close to the chest, one at a time. Repeat. To add up a difficulty level, hop each time you switch legs.
This is one of the more explosive workout moves, but the dynamic movement of muscles helps in burning the calories. Begin by standing, the legs apart with a shoulder-width distance. With your arms slightly above your head, jump and go on the ground in a plant position. Now bring your legs forward and jump up straight.
Jumping lunge
For this exercise, you use its own body weight to sweat it out. Step forward with one foot like you do for a lunge and jump back right up. Switch the legs at a fast pace. However, be careful about your balance while performing this exercise.
This is one of the easiest and the most effective way to burn calories. Try going for a jog in the morning or evening. If you’re new to this, you can even start by beginning to start jogging in one place. It helps in increasing heart rate and helps to tone the abdominal and leg muscles.
This low impact exercise makes you burn all the calories while keeping it fun. Ideally, we suggest getting a new bicycle and using it as a mode of transport for short distance commute. You’d be saving fuel and getting some exercise!

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