Eating Disorder Support: Here's how you can provide support to someone with an eating disorder during the holidays

Alisha Alam | Nov 15, 2018, 17:09 IST
The holiday season might be all fun and joy for most people, but for someone with eating disorders, it can be quite a struggle. It can be difficult to suddenly see a large number of relatives and cook for too many people or even have to commute long distances. But here are some tips that can help you help your loved ones going through a difficult time.

Start with planning ahead. Prior to meeting any relatives, see what your loved one is feeling like, whether they're feeling upto it and if there's something that can trigger them. Plan out a structure. The best thing you can do for them is to plan a structure for their meal time. The more structure you provide them, the more at ease they'll feel. For example, if they've been asked to have three meals a day and two snacks, then help them stick to this timetable.

Make up an escape plan. How things turn out can be unpredictable, so it is advisable to create an escape plan. If you feel like your loved one may have a breakdown, you should just leave the party. Validation needs to be a part of your plan. It isn't just your loved one that struggles with their disorder, you struggle with it too. So, give yourself and your loved one a break and realise that this is only the best road to recovery.

Lastly, remember to have fun. Everything cannot always be planned. If you're set with your lists, you should just relax and remember to enjoy the occasion. It is holiday season after all. Stay tuned for more updates.

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