Experiencing work from home body stiffness? These morning stretches will help

Dhwani Vora | Mar 23, 2020, 13:06 IST
Since it's self isolation time for majority of us, many are working from home so that they don't miss out on their daily work. Although, the house is not equipped with office furniture or even a study table for many which can make it difficult to sit and work in a certain position for many hours. This means the body will start to feel all kinds of pain in the shoulders, the back, the hips and legs too. And just how taking breaks and stretching is advised at work, you must do the same while you're in the comfort of your home too.

We've got you a few morning stretches that can combat the body stiffness that work from home brings along with it:

- Seated figure: Your butt muscles are to be used on a daily basis. Although, we limit our own range of motions due to sitting on a chair for too long which tightens and weakens the rear end. This is a common cause of pain in the hip, back and knee. Hence, you need to sit in a chair with your right ankle crossed over your left knee. Then, slowly push your right knee downward towards the floor with your right hand. You need to hold this for 10 full breaths by taking 5 seconds for each exhale. You can then repeat this on the other side as well.

- Sit and reach: Since we're sitting all day, our hamstrings are continuously in a contracted position which leads to a tight lower back and legs. This is what can make it feel really difficult to bend down and pick things up. Hence, for this stretch, you need to sit on the floor with your left leg extended in front of you. Then, bend your right knee to the side and place your right foot against the left inner thigh. Now, take a deep breath in and then release it slowly as you reach both hands towards your left toes and hold. If you can't reach your toes, you can just grab your shin instead. You need to hold this position for 10 full breathes, which each exhale lasts 5 seconds.

- Doorway stretch: It is very important to fix your posture as it can otherwise negatively impact you by hunching over your computer. For this stretch, you need to stand in a doorway and place your right arm on the door frame besides you. Then, keep the elbow bent at 90 degrees. Now, lean into the stretch by stepping forward through the doorway with your arm in place on the door frame. You need to feel a good stretch across your chest as the wall pulls your torso into an upright position. You can hold for 10 full breaks with each exhale lasting for 5 seconds and then switch sides and repeat.
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