Feeling exhausted? This is how you're supposed to eat right

Dhwani Vora | Mar 7, 2020, 12:23 IST
If you're someone who has to have two to three cups of coffee every morning to wake up from your sleep, you need to know you're exhausted and coffee isn't the cure. You might be feeling tired and sleepy even after a good seven hours sleep. This is when your body is trying to tell you that it's exhausted and needs good food to energize itself in order to start functioning properly. Exhaustion is a very common thing that people feel due to a hectic lifestyle.

Whenever you feel worn out, your body starts to ache and you start feeling sleepy and your concentration levels go down. Your unhealthy eating habits will only worsen the situation for you. And so, you need to make the big switch from eating junk to eating healthy. Here's your guide how to eat right to do away with the exhaustion:

- Try small portions of complex carbs, protein and healthy fats. A balanced meal of such kind of foods will help you in maintaining the energy levels and will also give you some extra energy.

- Munch on some oats with berries and nuts. These are packed with fibre, natural sugar, carbs and antioxidants. You can opt for a salad with mixed veggies, lentils and dress it with oil as it provides you with healthy fats and proteins. You can also add some almonds, walnuts and fruits to your diet.

- Hydrate yourself at all times. You need to understand how important it is to hydrate your body especially when you're tired. Your tired cells need water in order to stay active and alert.
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