Foods to consume after your workout

Darielle Britto | Apr 28, 2019, 10:41 IST
You've just finished an intense workout and you are feeling good. However, you've got one more thing to do to refuel your body after you exercise so it can recover from all that intensity.

"During a workout, especially one involving strength training, you are breaking down muscle and creating small micro tears," Rebecca Gahan, certified personal trainer and owner and founder of Kick@55 Fitness in Chicago, a news portal. That is when your body needs food to start the repair process.

What you eat after your fitness routine is just as important as what you eat before you workout. Make sure you get the right kinds of carbohydrates and proteins. So stock up on complex carbs as it is also the best time to eat this nutrient, according to theJournal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

"I recommend simple carbohydrates mixed with a high bioavailable source of protein as soon as possible, followed by another well-balanced meal within two to four hours post-workout for optimal nutrient utilization," Gahan told a news portal. "This may include a whey protein mixed with milk or juice or a banana with peanut butter and a hard-boiled egg, immediately post-workout, followed by a meal that includes protein, carbohydrates, and fat from all major food groups."

Here are a few post-workout meals you can try, as reported by a news portal.

1. Protein shake: Make this with a banana, hemp seeds, almond milk and a bit of protein powder.

2. Salad: A great post-workout salad includes chickpeas, vinegar and olive oil.

3. Quinoa: Add steamed vegetables, blackberries and pecan to your bowl of quinoa.

4. Snack: Opt for whole wheat bread with agave nectar and organic peanut butter.

5. Burrito: A delicious burrito with beans, brown rice and guacamole is not only delicious, but it is also packed with nutrition.

6. Omelete: If you are in a hurry and need something to eat quick, crack a few eggs to make an omelette with sautéed vegetables and avocado.

7. Early supper: The best post-workout dinner is grilled salmon and sweet potato that is baked.

If your trying to lose the weight, what you eat and when is just as important as a workout. Don't skip out on mealtime especially after a gruelling and intense workout. The key to weight loss success is eating well and exercising regularly. Enjoy these meals after your workout and enjoy the process while you are on your weight loss journey.
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