11/23They don't neglect to address things that bother them

They don't neglect to address things that bother them

Happy people don't let other people's behaviour come in their way and always make sure to address others what bothers them. They know how to express things instead of letting it pile on. Talking is always better to solve issues than silences.

Photo credits: Google images


12/23They don't try to control the future

They don't try to control the future

It's always nice to plan things for the future and take necessary steps to ensure a positive outcome for the future. But it isn't advised to constantly think negative about what can go wrong in the future and try to control it because you can't.

Photo credits: Google images


13/23They don't compare themselves to anyone

They don't compare themselves to anyone

Comparing yourself to anyone at all is the worst that you can do to yourself. Looking at how others are so successful and happy in life can actually discourage and demotivate you to do better for yourself. Happy people always make sure to look after themselves and only focus on their own failures and achievements.

Photo credits: Google images


14/23They don't dwell on their failures

They don't dwell on their failures

Failure is as much a part of life as winning is and so happy people learn from their mistakes and move on instead of giving their attention to failure and being disappointed over it for long. They avoid dwelling on what didn't work out for them and don't mentally exhaust themselves which ultimately results in making the same mistakes again.

Photo credits: Google images


15/23They don't hold grudges against someone

They don't hold grudges against someone

Even happy people get upset or frustrated with others, but they never let it become a focus that consumes them or their time. If someone has wronged them, they make sure it doesn't linger on and sort it out then and there. They'll never dwell on it or hold grudges. It's very important to sort such fights and arguments out so as to bring your mind at peace.

Photo credits: Google images


16/23They aren't on social media all the time

They aren't on social media all the time

With the amount of craze that all the social media platforms have, it only becomes way too difficult to keep up with the hype. Happy people save their time and do something better than just being on their social media accounts. Not like they don't use it at all, but the limit their time to it which allows them to have more time to do something more productive.

Photo credits: Google images


17/23They don't blame others

They don't blame others

People who are leading a happy life are doing so because they don't play the blame game. If they aren't happy with a particular situation, they try to bring a solution to it instead of conveniently blaming it on someone else.

Photo credits: Google images


18/23They don't make assumptions

They don't make assumptions

If you're unhappy, you tend to make assumptions about a situation or a person and that brings you down even more. But happy people avoid making any such assumptions and wait for the situation to get better or simply wait for an explanation from a friend to get things clear in their head.

Photo credits: Google images


19/23They don't avoid their emotions

They don't avoid their emotions

Many people tend to avoid what they feel and that leads to more emotional turmoil in them. They're messed up in their heads and can't get themselves to solve the real issue. Happy people don't avoid their emotions. They bring all of what they're feeling in consideration which helps them get to the root cause of their feelings.

Photo credits: Google images


20/23They don't forget to live in the moment

They don't forget to live in the moment

We all tend to either be in the past or overthink about the future which ultimately makes us not live in the present moment. Happy people have this sorted out for themselves. They neither bury themselves in the past or let themselves have a lot of thoughts of the future. Present is what they live for and that's how it beings happiness to them.

Photo credits: Google images
