Here are what the habits of people who don't stress look like!

Jehana Antia | Updated: Mar 16, 2018, 12:04 IST
Stress has become a part of life. And while we dismiss it as being a 'millennial' problem, it actually isn't! It has a lot to do with you as a person and the habits you imbibe in your everyday lives. Not sure what we're talking about? Well, today we decided to get to you ten habits of people who do not stress even though they might have a million things to do in life.

Firstly, They aren't scared to ask for help. 'Busy people' who do not stress have full-time help with the home and the kids and even at work and so they can even get the time to do other things. They also tend to prioritise right, find the time to sleep well also eat well and healthy. They take care of their emotional health and if that means seeing a shrink once in a while, we it!

These people also tend to avoid drama. They steer away from it at work and tend to have a clean slate anywhere they go. Low-stressed people don't gossip; they avoid it like the plague. It takes time and emotional energy that they'd rather use on other things. They also have a dependable social network. Not 'social media' network but close friends and family who can be around when really in need of them. Another thing...They know if they need to be social, have some downtime, be in nature, or just catch up on television. They keep themselves busy and have a hobby. These low-stressed people normally tend to be artists and athletes too. And lastly, they aren't afraid to call out 'sick' when need be. You don't always have to be on top of your game!
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