Here's all you need to know about dates and their nutritional value

Alisha Alam | Jun 10, 2018, 12:08 IST
Dates are considered to be superfoods. But often people wonder if diabetics can eat them. “Dates can be consumed by diabetics if their sugar levels are in control. It is advisable to consult your dietician/doctor the amount of dates can be consumed individually,” said an expert. She further added that it is fine for diabetics to eat 1-2 dates a week so long as they have their diabetes under control, exercise regularly and maintain healthy eating habits.

“Dates are high in calories, and a small serving i.e. 1/4 cup has more than 100 calories, which is high given the small serving size. So, regularly consuming dates in high amounts can lead to a caloric build-up, which, in turn, can cause weight gain,” said another expert. But even so, they are rich in soluble and insoluble fibres which boost gut health and are loaded with selenium, copper, potassium, magnesium and moderate concentrations of manganese, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

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