Here's what you should consume to boost your immunity and avoid catching the COVID-19 virus

Alisha Alam | Mar 19, 2020, 11:38 IST
The coronavirus has spread across the world like wildfire and before we knew it we were all asked to self-quarantine ourselves. But is that truly enough? Apart from environmental factors, one must also keep their diet in mind when it comes to protecting against the coronavirus. A healthy diet will ensure that your immunity gets a boost and this can help prevent you from catching the COVID-19 virus. Here's what you should consume to boost immunity.

Vitamin C: Dr Michael Barnish, Head of Nutrition and Genetics says, "Vitamin C is an important immune system player and powerful antioxidant." He further recommended that one should include fresh fruits and veggies containing Vitamin C in their diet.

Electrolytes: Electrolytes can truly help work wonders in boosting your immune system. You can take magnesium supplements or even restorative salts solution but one of the easiest ways to get your electrolytes is by consuming bananas.

Vitamin D: "Vitamin D is extremely important for normal immune function," says Dr Barnish. "Try to up your intake of eggs, mushrooms and oily fish. Sun exposure helps to give your body a vitamin D boost, so get out for a walk if you can."

Antioxidants: "Antioxidants are essential for our bodies to neutralise toxins (or free radicals) and to keep ourselves fighting fit," Dr Barnish said. While you could always take antioxidant supplements (from reputable places), it's best to include foods that are high in antioxidants in your diet. Some of these foods are - Carrots, Tomatoes, Spinach, Apricots, Lean meat, Whole-grains, Watermelon, Leafy green vegetables and Broccoli.

While you must try and include such things in your diet, you should also avoid consuming certain foods like pro-inflammatory foods, processed foods, sugary foods, too much caffeine and also alcoholic beverages. Dr Barnish concluded by saying, "Over-exercising and over-indulging can all deplete the immune system".
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