How to make wine at home during lockdown

Sneha Biswas | May 11, 2020, 16:49 IST
The quarantine days has converted homes in rehab centres as people are running out of their daily dose of happy juice. Even if you manage to get your hands on your favourite bottle of wine during the lockdown, the limited availability has led to a surge in the price of alcohol. Although the government has opened up standby liquor shops in a few areas, there still exists a risk of contamination when you’re standing in the never-ending queue infront of the foreign liquor shops. Not to forget, each state has levied a hike in the price point. In this scenario, it’s safe to make your own wine at home.

Although drinking alcohol can create havoc for your health, we don’t support that. However, the accidentally discovered wine has some benefits when consumed at a moderate level. We recommend you to consult with your doctor before brewing and consuming homemade wine.

Ingredients required for making wine at home are:
Grapes (green/black) 2 kg
Water, 2 liters
Wheat, 100 gm
Spice mix of your choice ( black pepper, star anise, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves), 10 each
Slice of ginger, 10 gm
Sugar, 2 kg
Yeast (not the instant one)
A beetroom slice/ food colour
A glass jar

Begin by washing your grapes thoroughly, it can be green or black grapes. Boil the grapes in water until they come mushy and let it cool down. Once cool take out the grapes from the water and set aside. Now start crushing the boiled grapes with your hands or hand blender, it should be a pulpy paste and not runny. Now keep the crushed grapes aside. On a pan add back the grape water from boiling grapes, a slice of beetroot or food colour, sugar, wheat, whole spice mix, and ginger slice. Boil this concoction and stain it to collect the liquid when cool. In a small bowl take yeast, sugar, warm water, and combine to activate the yeast. Now take an airtight jar and dump all the mixtures, including the reserved liquid, crushed grapes, and the yeast solution. Now close the lid and store it in a warm place, away from the direct sunlight. After 24 hours, stir the wine mixture once to thrice in a day with your hands to ensure flavours stay intact. Repeat this for 5-10 days to get your wine ready. You’ll know it’s done when there won’t be any bubble or smell.

Not, this wine does contain alcohol and should be handled carefully.

Photo credit: Google
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