If you're wondering whether milk can be frozen or not, this is what you need to read

Dhwani Vora | Updated: May 19, 2020, 12:35 IST
Milk is one of the essentials that no family can live without. It can be used for a lot of recipes but it is also very tricky to use it before it expires. Hence, the big question remains - can we freeze milk? In a gist, yes you can. Although, to be safe, you must read about the guidelines that you should follow before you go ahead with freezing milk.

First and foremost, it is very crucial to note that you need to know what kind of milk you're using to freeze as each milk reacts differently to the freezing process. Most milk types will separate when it's frozen but if it's almond or oat milk it will become grainy in texture. Milks that are available in cans shouldn't be frozen in cans as they need room to expand. To prepare milk for freezing, you need to shift the milk in an airtight, freezer-safe container. Don't let air inside the container but make sure you leave enough room for the milk to expand.

Once you wish to defrost the milk to use again, you need to let it do so in the fridge instead of keeping it out in the kitchen as it could put the milk at risk for collecting bacteria. If bacteria starts to grow in the defrosted milk, it could get harmful for consumption. Also, once you unfreeze the milk, it won't be the same consistency as it was before you froze it.

Milk that's frozen should be used for recipes where it can blend well with other ingredients. If you wish to drink this milk, you can run it through a blender and try to restore its texture as well as the consistency.

If you cook with this milk in a hot pan, the milk needs to be defrosted right in the pan. If you use the frozen milk in smoothies, you can convert milk into ice cubes so that it becomes easier for you to use them in your drinks or smoothies.

You can absolutely freeze milk if you wish to but make sure you consume it within a month of freezing it.
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