Indian traditional food vs salads: The healthiest option

Dhwani Vora | Apr 24, 2020, 10:32 IST
You are what you eat and that only gets truer each time you see it on yourself. Your health depends a lot on what you eat. The diet plan that you follow should always be rich in nutrients which gives you optimal health. This also goes for weight loss. Healthy food habits will always contribute to weight loss management. This is also one of the biggest concerns for all of us since we are extremely cautious about our weight all the time. This is why, health conscious people are very picky with their food options.

Fitness freaks usually go ahead with salads as a regular food item for weight management. They prepare themselves with a lot of veggies, fruits and seeds. This definitely becomes a healthy bowl of food. But, has it occurred to you that you can lose weight with desi food too? Our Indian traditional food is also quite healthy and provides our body with the same kind of nutrition as salads.

Indian traditional food vs salads: Which one is better when it comes to losing weight?

Salads: When you are having slightly cooked veggies, you get most of its health benefits. It gives you more fibre and micronutrients. But, we can't simply replace our meals with salads as they make us protein deficient which isn't good for regular functioning of the body.

People initially start controlling their diet by eating salads. But they also need a good amount of protein for their body to perform efficiently. Having just salads will reduce their metabolism which in turn makes you gain weight as most of the times, salads are made out of veggies. Sometimes, they are also made of chicken and eggs. So people lack most of the animal-based protein in salads too.

Indian traditional food: This is highly diverse in its own ways when it comes to different regions and influences. Indian cuisine initially was based on different kinds of herbs, spices, veggies and fruits. It was just later on when it was also influenced by Islamic rules, especially the Mughals. Hence, this cuisine mostly consists of both animal as well as plant based nutrients. Some regions eat rice as their staple food while others have roti or naan. Few states depend on fish while others on vegetable curries and fermented foods. These are all equally important for our health. They all provide us with nutrients that are very important for weight management.

Which one is a healthier option?
Indian traditional food can never be replaced with salads. You can have salads occasionally, but you must never stop eating regular meals.
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