Little pick me ups to boost your mood during this lockdown

Dhwani Vora | Mar 27, 2020, 10:41 IST
This whole pandemic thing has gotten us in a lockdown for more than a month and we have only bare minimum things to do while we sit in the comfort of our home. For a lot, sitting in your comfiest clothes and getting good sleep to making the most of Netflix and munchies this time at home could be great. But the lack of fresh air once in a while and the all-round freedom to get out can get to our mind.

This is when it can start affecting your mood and you might need a little pick-me-up to feel better since you can't move out of the house just yet. So, we're here to give you some easy solutions on that:

- If you're someone who is lucky to have a pet in the house, go hug your furry friend! You might know how big a deal it is to have a pet but all this time at home can only make you realize it even more. Having them around and hugging your pet will instantly boost your mood.

- Breathe. This to shall pass. If most of you are working from home, your body might not be used to the furniture at home for working purposes which can stiffen your muscles. Once in a while, move and do some stretches and exercises with deep breaths to make yourself feel better. This will ease out the body stress and make you feel better.

- Since you're at home, your movement will go for a toss. But that doesn't have to mean you become a couch potato and sit on that one spot throughout the day binge watching some or the other series. Move and make sure you move every couple of hours. Even if it's just to take a house tour or simply walk a little from one room to the other. Do it! Your body needs movement to feel fresh.

- Pick that phone up and call that person. Sometimes, our busy lives can hardly leave us with any time to catch up with our friends and family members. And while you're stuck at home, you can make use of this time to bond with those people over a phone call. Catch up on some new updates, get that gossip or simply check on them for their health and safety. This will be a big help to boost your mood.

- Make sure you practice gratitude once each day since we're all facing one of the hardest times in life where stepping out can get us the fear of death due to this deadly virus. Be grateful that you simply have to sit at home to protect yourself and others around you. Be grateful for the time you get at home with your loved ones. Be grateful for little things you get to do, like letting your skin breath, letting your hair down, being in your comfy clothing all day long, listening to the chirpy birds, looking at the evening sky. All of it. Be grateful for all of it.
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