Marijuana can motivate people to workout, claims new study

Darielle Britto | May 6, 2019, 12:19 IST
A new study has found an association between marijuana and physical activity. Researchers say using cannabis before and after a workout can motivate you to workout and enhance recovery. The researchers note cannabis could help recovery because it contains anti-inflammatory properties.

According to the findings, eight out of 10marijuana users say the drug not only helps them to stay motivated to workout, but they also enjoy their time while exercising.

"There is a stereotype that cannabis use leads people to be lazy and couch-locked and not physically active, but these data suggest that this is not the case," senior author of the study Angela Bryan told a news portal.However,Bryan notes the findings does not mean people should use cannabis to help them exercise. "The evidence is not there yet. But I am also not convinced it is harmful," Bryan told a news portal.

Some researchers feel adding marijuana to the mix in this day and age could be like adding fuel to the fire and cause more people to lead a sedentary lifestyle. "There are a lot of interesting data points and hypotheses out there but not a lot of them have been tested," Bryan told a news portal.

In the US, marijuana use is legal in 10 states and 29 states reportedly allow it for medicinal use only. But researchers have yet to understand how weed can play a role in public health like fitness and obesity issues. For the study, researchers analysed data from a survey of 600 adult marijuana users from five US states - California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. One of the questions asked whether they took the drug a few hours before or after exercise, to which 82% of the people say 'yes'.

The results also revealed 345 people who used cannabis with exercise used the drug after instead if before their workout. However, 67% revealed they did it either way.

The team also discovered the following about using the drug with exercise:

-70 per cent found exercise more enjoyable .
- 78 per cent reported it boosted recovery.
- 52 per cent reported the drug increased motivation.

"Given that these are all recognized barriers to exercise, it is possible that cannabis might actually serve as a benefit to exercise engagement," authors of the study stated. The team also found co-users (those who used the drug with exercise) got at least 43 minutes more of exercise a week that those who didn't take the drug.

However, the big question is how does the drug have an impact physiologically when taking it for the purpose of exercise? "There is evidence to suggest that certain cannabinoids dampen pain perception, and we also know that the receptors cannabis binds to in the brain are very similar to the receptors that are activated naturally during the runners high," co-author of the study Arielle Gillman, told a news portal. Adding, "Theoretically, you could imagine that if it could dampen pain and induce an artificial 'runner's high,' it could keep people motivated."

While the team found marijuana may have an impact on getting us to workout,the researchers did not investigate which type of cannabis people consumed for exercise. "As we get older, exercise starts to hurt and that is one reason older adults don't exercise as much. If cannabis could ease pain and inflammation, helping older adults to be more active that could be another benefit," Bryan told a news portal.

The study's findings were originally published in theJournal of Frontiers in Public Health.
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