Simple things to keep in mind to choose a sugar-free diet

Dhwani Vora | Apr 9, 2020, 11:22 IST
A lot of us wish to have a sugar free diet as we all know how harmful sugar can get for our health. Studies have shows that sugar consumption leads to increased risk of heart diseases, tooth decay, obesity and also a few types of cancer.

Choosing to go sugar free is very difficult where some people end up struggling with withdrawal symptoms when they're trying to give up everything sugary. We're here to tell you about other food types that you need to watch out for other than passing on just dessert.

If it's savoury, it's sugar free, right?
Actually it isn't. You'll need to watch out for the processed food intake like burgers, pizzas, white bread, store-bought sauces and condiments. Breakfast cereals too contain high sugar so if you eat cereal for breakfast, make sure you're choosing one that's sugar free, wholemeal types.

Do you need to give up on fruits if you're cutting down sugar?
No. This is quite a common myth that people believe in while they're at it. Fruits and vegetables contains natural sugar which your body does not process in the same way as refined sugar. Eating whole fruits and vegetables increases your fiber intake and also provides you vitamins. So you should definitely not stop eating fruits. Although, you do need to be careful with fruit juices and smoothies as these drinks are absorbed by your body in a much similar way as soft drinks with added sugar.
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