Simple ways to keep your pet dog entertained in this lockdown time

Dhwani Vora | Apr 20, 2020, 17:15 IST
The lockdown phase has surely been a tough time for all of us. Not to forget the huge fear of the pandemic and the deadly virus that keeps showing stats of how many people are affected by it each day. But it's not just us who are suffering during this quarantine time. It's also our pets who are so used to going out and having their play time and walk time outs at least 2-3 times a day. And since all of this has suddenly stopped, it can get a lot for dogs especially. They are very used to going outdoors and don't understand the lockdown like we do. So it can get tough for them to deal with a total lockdown.

If you're a pet parent and wish to give your dog a better time while being at home, these are the things that you can do:

- Play the shell game: You can involve your pet into playing the shell game wherein you hide a shell under one of the three cups, shuffle those cups and ask the dog to guess which cup had the shell. This works as a great exercise for the puppy's brain.

- Ask them to help you in chores: You can train your dog into making them help with your chores. You can ask them to fetch something from the other room and something that they can easily pick up and get you helping with it.

- Play hide-and-seek: You can also play the hiding game with your dog where you shut your eyes and ask the dog to hide and vice versa. This game can go on and on till your puppy gets bored of it for the day.

- Try nose work games: You can take a break from the fetch games and try something new. Play various treat games where you place the treat on their nose and ask them to balance it until you give them a go to fetch the treat. They'll learn resistance and balance with such kind of games.
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