Skincare mistakes that can take a toll on your oily skin

Dhwani Vora | Apr 4, 2020, 15:00 IST
First and foremost, it's very necessary to understand your skin type in order to provide it with the care that it needs. Your skin type can help you pick the right kind of products and remedies so that you can avoid any and every skincare mistakes that can cause troubles otherwise.

Putting some light specifically on the skincare mistakes that you can make for your oily skin:

- Sometimes, you might end up using warm or lukewarm water to wash your face which isn't all that good for oily skin. Hot water will strip down your skin of its natural oil and make it dry and dull instead.

- Most of the people who have oily skin end up washing their face too often in order to make it look dry and less shiny. But, the biggest oily skin mistake is this which should be avoided. You should only wash your face 2-3 times a day or else your skin will start to produce more natural oil making your skin look oilier and shinier.

- People who have oily skin might also end up over-exfoliating. Ideally, you should only exfoliate your skin once a week no matter what the skin type. Also, don't ever get rough with the scrub.

- Changing your skincare products too often is also going to confuse your skin and damage it further. Stick to what suits your skin type and make sure your skin is used to those products that cause less harm to it.
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