Skincare tips all you men should follow for smooth and supple skin!

Alisha Alam | Dec 3, 2019, 11:29 IST
Who says skincare routines and regimes are just for women? Men need to take care of their skin just as much as women do. In fact, men might even need to do a better job at it since they shave their faces frequently and that can leave their skin feeling rough and unkempt.

Well, of course, we're not saying that you men should also start opting for tons of moisturising creams or slather on face masks whenever you get the chance, but following a few skincare tips can really help keep your skin in good shape. All you need to do is to follow some basic tips and keep things going consistently.

Clean your skin properly: Wash your faces at least twice a day with facewash so that there is no oil, dirt, grime or pollution building up and clogging your pores. The cleaner your skin is the easier it will be for you to shave it.

Prep your skin: We know you apply shaving cream before you shave your face but that's not enough. To make the process even more smooth what you can do is to wash your face with warm water before you shave so that your pores open up and the hair gets chopped off effectively.

Apply moisturiser: Make sure to apply a moisturising cream to your face every day so that your skin is smooth and soft. Also, remember that aftershave is a must as it helps close your pores and locks the moisture in.

Sunscreen is a must: Just pick up a sunscreen that will work best for your skin tone and make sure that you apply it before you step out. More often than not your skin feels coarse and dry only because you skip out on sunscreen and the sun ends up damaging your skin because of it.

So, give these tips a try and see how well they work. Stay tuned for more updates.
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