Study states that hypnosis could be better than behavioural therapies at helping people quit smoking

Jehana Antia | Updated: Oct 16, 2018, 12:39 IST
Researchers are on a constant lookout as to how to develop newer ways to help people quit the terrible habit of smoking. And over the years we have got to know that behavioural therapies help people quit. However, a new study states that hypnosis can be better than behavioural therapies at helping people quit smoking. This comes from doctors at Stanford who have now developed an app that can make self-hypnosis accessible to people.

“Our study shows that after just one session of face-to-face hypnosis, nearly half the people stopped smoking. And, 23% remained complete non-smokers, not even a single cigarette for two years,” said Dr David Spiegel. Spiegel is the Willson Professor and Associate Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Director of the Center on Stress and Health and the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. A preliminary study on the app developed by his team shows the quit rate in people who tried the self-hypnosis using the app was 21% at one month. “We are still awaiting results on how effective the app-based approach is in the long run,” Spiegel said.

“Hypnosis is no longer used in India as a treatment method and is not one of the recommended methods of treating psychiatric disorders, including addictions. This is because there are a lot of variable — the effectiveness of hypnosis depends on the person conducting the session, whether the person is susceptible to hypnosis. Now, there are many drugs and therapies that are very effective,” said Dr Rajesh Sagar, professor of psychiatry at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi.

If this app is proven to be effective, the app-based hypnosis could be beneficial for a resource-poor country like India as it will eliminate the need for a face-to-face or telephonic interaction with a counsellor. “Self hypnosis takes a person to a space where there is no critical judgement. Unlike shown in movies, there is in fact an increase in self control in such a state that can be used to alter a person’s thinking or behaviour,” said Dr Spiegel.
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