

Smoking is bad for health in general so imagine what effects it can have on your skin. From wrinkles to furrows in your lips, smoking can lead to some serious skin damage. So, if you can't stop smoking altogether, we suggest you at least cut down on it significantly and you'll see the changes in your skin.


12/18Using harsh soaps

Using harsh soaps

Most soaps have a high pH level which can strip your skin off of its natural oils. Because of this, your skin can become inflamed and more prone to breakouts. Try to use soaps that have a neutral pH level so that they don't harm your skin. And always use a moisturiser afterwards.


13/18ot getting enough sleep

ot getting enough sleep

This honestly shouldn't come as a surprise but not getting enough sleep can have quite the detrimental effects on your health. Your body recuperates while you sleep so when you don't get enough of it, your body cannot regenerate enough cells and this is why we often end up with undereye bags or sallow looking skin.


14/18Makeup mistakes

Makeup mistakes

While makeup can be used to hide spots, blemishes and all signs of ageing when you use the wrong kind of makeup it can actually make things worse for you. The wrong kind of makeup can settle into all the fine lines into your skin and can make you look a lot older than you are.


15/18Alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption

Your body can become very dehydrated when you consume alcohol because it is a natural diuretic. This can cause a host of issues like acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. It can even cause your skin to lose loads of moisture. You don't have to give up alcohol completely. However, be mindful of how much you drink if you want glowing and beautiful skin.

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16/18Not taking care of the skin around your eyes

Not taking care of the skin around your eyes

Taking care of the skin around your eyes is just as important as the rest of your face if you want gorgeous and healthy skin. Start now to achieve the best results. "The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and has very few oil glands," Debra Jaliman, a top New York Dermatologist, told a news portal. Invest in quality products that can tackle this issue. Picture Courtesy: Google Images


17/18Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise

Even a little exercise can help rejuvenate your skin, not to mention improve your overall health. Slow and steady workouts can be an effective way to improve the complexion of your skin. Physical activity can help nourish skin cells and boost blood circulation. It can also help flush out of the toxins. If you are guilty of leading a sedentary lifestyle or not exercising enough, beautiful skin should be reason enough to get your body moving.

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18/18Inflammatory foods

Inflammatory foods

High levels of inflammation is no good for many reasons, including the health of our skin. It can increase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. That is why it is not only important to manage these levels, but also to reduce your intake of inflammatory foods. Food like margarine, red meats, white bread, sweet foods, and processed foods could cause wrinkles to form at a rapid pace. This is because foods with a high glycemic index bind to collagen and elastin, which cause them to become weak.

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