Surprising reasons that can cause bad breath

Dhwani Vora | Jul 14, 2019, 12:52 IST

Poor oral hygiene or certain foods can make your mouth start smelling and that's no news. But there are a few other surprising reasons which can cause bad breath too. You might want to learn about them in order to know why your breath smells bad in spite of you keeping good oral hygiene or avoid certain foods.

- Sparkling water: Carbonated drinks or beverages like sparkling water or soda tends to be more acidic than still water. Sparkling water has the ability to lower the pH of your mouth and make it more acidic. This acidity can tend to dry your mouth and allows bacteria and food particles to stick around and ultimately trigger bad breath.

- Certain diets: Wanting to shed some kilos can put you to a restrictive diet which can actually end up making your breath smell. High-fat, low-carb ketogenic diets can give you bad breath.

- Dry mouth: It is very important to have enough saliva in order to have a healthy breath. Chronic dry mouth can cause bad breath as the salivary glands don't make enough saliva. This results in bacteria to flourish which results in your breath to start smelling and also gives you tooth decay.

- Coffee: The morning cup of coffee can also be a reason for bad breath. The caffeine in coffee causes your mouth to dry and can lead to oral bacteria overgrowth.

- Alcohol: Alcohol is very much a reason to dry your mouth and ultimately result in bad breath. It can limit the saliva production in your mouth and allows bacteria to grow. This can ultimately result in gum diseases which can make your mouth smell weird.

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