These food items are helpful in burning belly fat

Aug 21, 2019, 19:26 IST
While losing the extra kilos is difficult in itself, getting rid of the belly fat is another challenge. As one would imagine, the key for this is eating well and clean. This is irrespective of the kind of body type one has. So, if you’re trying to lose that belly fat, cut the crap. Much like the popular adage, ‘Abs are made in the kitchen’

To begin, have protein-packed diet. This will boost your energy levels, improve metabolism and help you reach your weight loss goals. While protein a key nutrient in many foods, some of the most popular foods rich in protein are:

Dairy products
Seeds and nuts
Lean meat

A key point to note is that it’s better to cut down on meat and go for a vegetarian diet. If you’re targeting your weight in particular, there’s this one protein-rich food that can help reduce belly fat. And it’s the best probiotic you could ask for. It has all the ‘good’ bacteria that your gut needs.

Greek yogurt is your gut’s best friend. It has a plethora of health benefits. High on nutritional value and delicious, it definitely works wonders for your body. Here’s why you should eat Greek yogurt:

High in protein
Low on calories
Low in sugar (if there’s no added flavour or sugar)
Reduces inflammation
Low in carbs
Studies have shown that consuming Greek yogurt thrice a day, in addition to cutting down about 500 calories from your diet is a more effective strategy to lose weight than just wiping off calories. One of the possible reasons for this could be that eating low-fat yogurt before your meal helps in preventing fat enter your body.
But there’s a slight precaution you should take. Avoid going for flavoured yogurts, because they have added sugar and in some cases, artificial flavours instead of real ingredients. This can cause your metabolism to slow down, and bring in additional fat. A serving of plain, low-fat Greek yogurt should do the trick. You can add some honey or fresh fruits to perk it up.

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