These protein-rich foods will keep you warm and healthy in winters

Miss Kyra | Updated: Dec 14, 2018, 16:43 IST
With the weather playing havoc in winters, our bodies crave more and more immunity boosting and nourishing foods. Nutritionists widely recommend a protein rich diet for the season.But eating the same kind of protein can get boring. So, here are some protein-rich foods that you can include in your diet this winter.


This one is obvious. Fish are an amazing source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid, which aid in repairing tissues and keeping the immunity system in check.Devoid of all the saturated fats, fish is the healthiest protein for any non-vegetarian. Try out fish like tuna, cod, and salmon this season.


Eggs are one of the most basic and yet versatile protein options.They’re good source of protein, vitamin B-12, zinc, iron, selenium and vitamin A. You can consume an egg for breakfast, snack or even lunch or dinner. However, to keep your fat levels in check, do not consume more than two eggs a day (unless you’re bulking up.)

Nuts and seeds

Nuts are an incredible way to include more proteins for vegetarians. Replacing your mid-day snacks with nuts is not only a healthy habit, but also lends you some much needed warmth in the winters.They can also be topped over yogurt for a healthy snack. Choose from peanuts, almonds and pistachios to boost your protein intake.

Which of these do you like the best?

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