This is how you avoid the feeling of jealousy towards other people

Dhwani Vora | Updated: May 7, 2020, 13:16 IST
Being jealous a mixed feeling of fear, lack of possession and insecurity. Helplessness, resentment and anger are some of the emotions that people tend to go through when they feel jealous of someone. It's quite a typical experience in a human relationship which can also be observed in infants after they become 5 months old.

Jealousy can also make some people perform better. For some, they cannot stand other people's success. This can very much damage their mental peace and they need to get rid of it in order to be a better person.

This is why, we've got you some ways which can help you get over the feeling of jealousy:

- Try to appreciate people for their achievements. However difficult it may get for you. When you learn to focus on your own things and praise others, it will hardly matter what they achieved. You need to count on what you have and what you have to do in order to achieve tour goals.

- You tend to become really sarcastic and criticize others when you feel jealous. This actually makes you feel more tensed. So whenever you feel this feeling calm yourself down in that moment and take deep breaths. Keep in mind that feeling jealous won't help you in any way possible. It will only increase stress.

- It's natural to feel jealous, but you need to get over it. if you can't get over the feeling, you will first have to accept it. Try to find the root cause of it. If you're feeling jealous of someone because of their materialistic possessions or their lifestyle, you need to think what you have. Counting on what all you have will make you less jealous of others and it will also make you focus on what you need to do in order to achieve your greater goals.

- Don't compare yourself with others who are successful in their life. This will make you insecure and depressed. Instead, appreciate your inner qualities and hard work will always make you successful.

- When you seen someone doing really well try to focus on your life in order to improve yourself and achieve success. This will divert your mind from feeling jealous.
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