This is how you make your own reusable sheet masks at home

Dhwani Vora | Apr 21, 2020, 10:32 IST
The beauty industry keeps bringing in newer and newer products for some or the other skin and hair benefit. And over the time, sheet masks have gained much popularity as a skin care routine and the results have been not bad after all. These are basically thin sheets of cotton that are soaked in many concoctions and then applied on the face. These work magically on repairing the skin and gives you smooth, supple and glowing skin. But buying sheet masks is not always possible and convenient, especially during this lockdown days. How about you make some of your own at home? Possible? Yes, it is!

- First and foremost, find a cloth. Experts recommend a muslin cloth works the best as a fabric for sheet masks as it can withstand many uses and can also be washed effectively after each use. You can take a muslin cloth and hold it against your face. You can use your eyebrow pencil to mark out where the eyes, nose and mouth are so you can easily but them off.

- Cut out the holes perfectly with a pair of scissors. This will allow you to breathe, talk and see while you have the mask on.

- Add your skincare ingredients like some brown rice in water for 5-6 hours. you can then dip the cotton wipes/mask sheets into it and refrigerate it. You can let it sit for 20 minutes and your refreshing rice water sheet mask is ready for use! Brown rice is loaded with antioxidants that helps in making your skin glow. It's also one of the most trusted and effective anti-aging agents.

- If in case you have sensitive skin, you can use a cucumber sheet mask which will work as a better option. Cucumbers are packed with vitamin C and contains caffeic acid that helps in fighting swollen and irritated skin. It also helps in reducing the signs of aging. For this, you simply need to extract the cucumber juice, dip the mask cloth it the juice and refrigerate it for 30 minutes before use.
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