This is the phase of your menstrual cycle you may be prone to hangovers

Darielle Britto | Jun 25, 2019, 13:07 IST
Have you ever experienced a bad hangover after having just one glass of alcohol? One expert reveals there may be a link between hangovers and a woman's menstrual cycle.

While no scientific research has been conducted to explain this phenomenon,Jolene Brighten, a women's health and hormone expert, says there may be some truth this is theory. "It seems that women may be more susceptible to the effects of alcohol in the late luteal phase, so the week before your period," Brighten told a news portal.

When you are in the late luteal phase you are likely to experience PMS symptoms like headaches, and bloating. The fluctuating hormone levels during this time may be the reason women are more likely to experience a hangover, even though they have hardly consumed any alcohol.

Brighten told a news portal "the liver has to process estrogen, and it's possible that in states of estrogen dominance—which is often pronounced the week before your period—the increased burden of alcohol and estrogen together on the liver could cause issues. Excess estrogen gives women headaches, causes water retention and bloating, and can be inflammatory. If you add alcohol to the mix, this can make all of these issues worse."She further explained that the "blood sugar imbalances that accompany the luteal phase may lead to an increase in hangovers and a lower tolerance of alcohol for some women."

Multiple studies have already shown how alcohol can have a harmful impact on our health. Therefore, while cutting down how much you drink is a good idea, you should also try and avoid it before you get your period. "One serving of alcohol can increase your estrogen levels by about 10%. Plus, alcohol is perceived as a toxin by your body, which means your body will put its efforts into eliminating that, which may be at the expense of your hormones."
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