This is what fragrance-induced cosmetics can do to your skin

Sneha Biswas | Mar 30, 2020, 12:02 IST
Just like how we need to take care of what we are eating, it is important to be aware of what beauty products we are using. "Made to suit all skin types" can sometimes be another lie to accelerate business. Everyone likes a nice smelling beauty product. It energises you every time you apply, but what good does it do to your skin? If we had loads of benefits, do you think there would be so much hype for unscented skincare?

The delicate skin on your skin is prone to the reaction from chemical products. If you ever check the ingredient list of your beauty product, you can find out what fragrance it might be containing. However, this ingredient list can be tricky to understand. A lot of countries, like the USA, don’t even reveal the kind of chemical brands put in their products under the name of fragrance that can possibly irritate the skin.

Putting fragrance in a beauty product is nothing new, it is a practice done by many companies to associate their brand to a particular smell for their consumers. This is why your favourite cosmetic brand has a particular smell that others don’t.

A study found that almost 75 percent of the beauty products that contain fragrance can be made of toxic chemicals, phthalates to make the scent last long. It can cause health conditions like reduced sperm count, liver and breast cancer, reproductive malformation and even diabetes to some.

According to Paula Beth Begoun aka ‘the cosmetics cop’, fragrance or scents can harm the collagen production of the skin by irritating the skin. It can affect the skin’s natural tendency to heal and renew itself.Paula also mentions how fragrance can cause similar effects of sun-damage and smoking to the skin which might not show up immediately.

Natural fragrance from essential oils might not equally agree with the sensitive skin. However, it varies from person to person. While common essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and orange, lemon are quite used in beauty products, the authenticity of these expensive oils in budget beauty brands is still a question.

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