This is why you're gaining weight even with exercise

Aug 19, 2019, 20:12 IST
In today’s stressful times, people have bucked up just as much. To combat one’s sedentary lifestyle, people are now working out harder and regularly, eating healthy and doing everything right. However, despite sometimes all these efforts, sometimes it doesn’t work out the way you thought it would. Instead of losing weight, you now realised you’ve gained more weight.

While at first thought, it may sound odd. But a closer look at this worry, this may be more common than you think. A lot of factors go into play for weight loss. One’s lifestyle habits are one of the biggest factors.

Ahead are some reasons, you may be gaining weight despite working out.

Paying too much attention to the numbers

Aside from the food you eat, the water you consume, the amount of sleep you get, and stress you experience also has an effect on one’s weight. So stop concentrating so much on the weighing scale. If you feel more toned, energetic and happier, don’t you worry. You’re on the right track. Even if you gained some weight.

You consume more calories than you burn

When you start working out, your body starts burning more calories. And when you burn more calories, your body naturally wants to compensate by eating more calories to make up for what you’re burning. This happens because people overestimate the amount of calories they buring in the gym. Make the goal of getting healthy or fit or increasing athletic ability—not doing it just so you can eat more.

You don’t drink enough water

After work out, we often mistake thirst for hunger and thus end up eating food rather than hydrating our body.

You are not lifting weights

Cardio exercise spikes metabolism and hunger levels and by doing weight training can counter it. Plus, when you gain muscle from lifting, you actually burn more calories at rest.

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