Tips that will make sure you stop biting your nails!

Alisha Alam | Mar 1, 2020, 11:46 IST
When it comes to feeling nervous, we all have our ticks. While some people twirl their hair, others shake their foot and some people bite their nails. While twirling your hair or shaking that foot won't really do much damage, the same can't be said about biting your nails. Not only could it make your nails brittle, but it could also lead to a skin and nail infection if you end up biting too deep. So, if you're wondering how it is that you can put a stop to this uncalled for habit of yours, here are some tips that'll make sure you stop biting your nails.

Opt for bitter nail paint: Did you know that there are nail paints in the market that are designed specifically for people who bite their nails? Yes, these nail paints have a rather odd and bitter taste which prompts people to think twice before biting them.

Keep your hands busy: If you have stuff to do with your hands you're a lot less likely to start biting your nails. So, make sure that you keep doing something with your hand whether it's typing something out or playing with a stress ball.

Identify your triggers: Nail-biting is something that occurs mostly when people are anxious or nervous. So, this means you need to identify what triggers you and try to make sure that you don't bite your nails when that happens.

Try these tips and you'll stop biting your nails in no time! Stay tuned for more updates.
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