Want to get fit for a wedding? This month-long routine will come to your rescue!

Alisha Alam | Oct 24, 2019, 11:29 IST
The season of festivities is finally upon us with Diwali right around the corner. Loaded with sweets and happiness, we're all bound to put on at least a few kilos by the time the festive season comes to an end. And we all know what comes right after the festive season; it's the wedding season! Now, since you already put on weight because of all those sweets and fried foods, not only does a wedding help you realise you should look your best at it but it'll also serve as motivation to do it quickly.

Dhara Tanna, an expert on fitness shared a four-week routine that is guaranteed to get you wedding fit right in time. "This can be done by following the golden rules for weight maintenance, i.e; 4-4-4 rule- four meals, four fillers, four days of exercise a week. A combination of a balanced diet and exercise, works towards developing a body that is not only fit but also healthy. It''s always a good idea to meet with a nutritionist to understand your own body and its requirements," Dhara shares.

Week 1: HIIT + Pilates - The first week you need to focus on high and low-intensity workout sessions so that your body gets used the rigour and pace you'll need in the upcoming three weeks. You'll need to opt for 20 minutes of HIIT every day so that it helps increase aerobic capacity, burn more fat, build a healthier heart, lose weight and increase metabolism. Pilates, on the other hand, will act as a low impact exercise that will help you strengthen your core and spine. It also helps enhance muscle strength along with improving flexibility, mobility and posture.

Week 2: Zumba + Yoga - After the first week, your body will get used to a rigorous routine which is when you can opt for something fun yet intense like Zumba. Not only does it work wonders for weight loss but it can also work well to tone your body. And post this you could opt for a relaxing and rejuvenating yoga session that will improve flexibility in your body. It makes for a slow yet steady way to burn all those excess calories.

Week 3: Pilates + CrossFit - The third week will shift the focus to toning the body and building strength. That's exactly where pilates and CrossFit come together to give you the perfect workout. With CrossFit, you'll be opting for multiple high-intensity exercises that will leave you with immense physical and mental benefits.

Week 4: Sunrise Yoga - The last week focuses on yoga first thing in the morning. Not only does it improve physical health and mental health but it also improves sleep patterns, elevates mood, improves the body's metabolism and leaves you feeling like the best version of yourself.

Well, follow this regime and team it with the right diet to end up with the perfect body for that wedding! Stay tuned for more updates.
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