Ways in which you can deal with all that office politics

Alisha Alam | Mar 19, 2020, 14:49 IST
As much as we like to believe that people go to their office to do their work and leave, most of them are just too busy playing politics on the inside. And such a work environment can prove to become rather toxic and unwelcoming if you aren't equipped to deal with it in the right way. There are certain things you must remember when trying to deal with office politics. Here's what they are.

1. You must try to understand people first. Everyone does things based on certain reasons and if you could understand why your colleague is behaving in a certain way it could also help you understand why they're doing what they're doing.

2. Don't speak up all the time. Sometimes your opinion is required and sometimes it is not. Don't involve yourself in unnecessary situations and don't speak badly about the people you work with to other people in the office as that could have negative repercussions.

3. Try not to have favourites. As much as you'd like to have friends at your workplace, you must understand that you can't really have favourites. You go to your office to work and not to make friends, so don't get emotionally hooked on people who could let you down later on.

4. Accept the situation. Office politics is always going to be a thing. No matter where you go and no matter where you work. People will always have different opinions and they'll use politics to get their way so get used to it.

5. Focus on what you can do and let go of what you can't. If you can raise concern regarding a certain situation you're in then do it since you'll at least have the satisfaction of knowing that you did something. But in situations that you can't control like getting yelled at due to certain things, you must try to let things go.

6. Don't take things personally. This is the one thing that you really need to remember through it all. Don't let people get to you or in your head unnecessarily. People like to play dirty games to get their way but it's only because they want to be ahead at work. Don't let it affect your mental peace.

Follow these tips and try to stay calm and relaxed while you're at it. Stay tuned for more updates.
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