You must know the pros and cons of pickles

Dhwani Vora | Jun 21, 2019, 13:40 IST
We've always discussed health benefits and pros and cons of a particular fruit, vegetable or a spice. All of it makes all the sense when spoken about individually. But we've never actually discussed about all the three together making into the yummiest Indian summer condiment called pickles. Now, there's a huge difference between the Indian version of it and the one you get in other countries. Our's have all the spices added to make the kind of taste we desire while their's is where cucumbers are preserved in a fermented brine. Their pickles are low in calories but high in sodium and so the people who suffer from blood pressure need to be extra careful while consuming pickles.

Talking about the Indian pickles, they're nowhere near to low in calories and made with excessive oil and salt, which acts as primary preservatives. This only means you're risking the consumption of trans-fats and also its side effects with the addition of risks that come along with extra sodium intake and an overload on the kidneys and blood pressure.

Although, pickles are fermented, so if they are made using quality oil and spices, they might not necessarily be bad for you. Making pickles at home is a safer option as you can have the control over what all goes into the making of it and you can also include healthy ingredients like carrots, lime, peppers, mangoes, etc. Always remember that anything and everything eaten in moderation does no harm. Pickles are only meant to add some flavour to your meal and so you shouldn't be consuming them excessively.
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